Tuesday, March 04, 2008


saturday i put up a blog about how hot the studio was, about how i like to keep it cold.

the following monday, as i opened the door to the studio, i was nearly frozen alive. nearly.

the door swung open, and an icy cold blast hit me. the room was FREEZING! everything was cold, the guitars, the desk, everything was soooo cold. i looked at the thermostat - 50 degrees. set to 35, but 50 in the room.

50 is cold. anyway i had a good laugh about it. i wish i would have thought to pick up the camera right at that moment, instead it got all the way up to 56 before i thought to snap a picture.

so kudos to you, whoever you are, you got me. as a side benefit of your little joke, studio b is not equiped with a heater, so it took until nearly 8pm for the temperature to even crack 70. it was a cold day.

in recording news - PAUL JACOBSEN'S ALBUM IS DONE!!!! mastering monday, but the mixes have been printed. it only took 2 and a half years.


Annee said...

That is funny.

Annee said...

Or maybe, it's the "The Secret". You got what you were spending the most time thinking about?

Annee said...

P.S. Am I allowed to make comments here?

LosPeterson said...

Can I make comments here too? Oh how I miss you Scott Wiley. You are the cutest.

junioraudio said...

i cant believe i have so many comments, im so lucky.