Monday, March 10, 2008

lurssen mastering

the mastering went very well. paul's album sounds great, and gavin proved again that he is an amazing engineer.
the thing is, mastering sessions are boring. i think that really we arent even supposed to be there. certainly gavin didnt need us there, and would probably prefer our absence. but we went, and i was again reminded that i should spend the time during the mastering session at guitar stores or in amoeba music.
here is what we did during the 8 hour mastering session:

yep, we interneted. we even spent some time IMing back and forth as we sat next to each other. i'm happy to report that i reached the end of the internet. such was not the case for dustin who brought a pc laptop and couldnt get online. we had a good time ridiculing him, and gavin even got in on the act telling dustin "hmmm, im not sure ive seen one of those in here before."

we got done at 6:30pm. drove to pickup brenden and hit the road at 7:30pm. discussed whos idea it was to drive back the same night, ate in n out, decided it was a terrible idea to drive back the same night, listened to kathleen edwards and the adam carolla podcast. rolled into provo at 5:30am. went to work. im tired.

1 comment:

Zack said...

Did brenden enjoy the trip?