the cameron rafati album marches in to week 2. while this has not been the easiest project, things are going well and i'm happy to report that things are sounding great. cameron pushes for certain sounds more than other clients, and while that can be somewhat overwhelming at times, it has added up to more unique and interesting sounds overall.
then one of my favorite guys ever - scott johnson - stopped in for day one of his keyboard attack. grand and upright piano and hammond b3 were the instruments for this day. next week we get into an ample amount of wurli, rhodes, field organ and synth stuff
one note of interest to no one but me - cameron was looking for a specific piano sound which we eventually found by laying felt over the strings and closing the lid entirely with the mics - neumann 87s - on the outside.
intern pat has been enlisted by cameron as session videographer, which has not interfered with his intern duties, which consist of watching while eating candy, whatsoever
cameron on the ukulele
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craig poole stopped in to play bass on two tracks, while rob honey came in to play upright bass on two tracks and electric bass on still another.
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craig poole stopped in to play bass on two tracks, while rob honey came in to play upright bass on two tracks and electric bass on still another.
in other non-studio news paul jacobsen and the madison arm (myself included) played over at velour on the friday night. yes, i know, you were busy. the show went well and thanks to good friend jed wells, we even have some documentation. here are some of my favorites.
pat campbell - less than 2 weeks after dislocating his shoulder
pat campbell - less than 2 weeks after dislocating his shoulder
me - less than 2 hours since eating a taco
ryan tanner
and finally, here i am proving my theory that i am the
shortest person in my entire circle of friends.
shortest person in my entire circle of friends.
ps if you were interested in hearing any of the sarah sample ep documented here, i put a few tracks up on my audio samples site. just click on the "my work" link you will find over there on the right side of this page.
pps dont steal those tracks and sell them
ppps dont tell sarah i put them up here
pps dont steal those tracks and sell them
ppps dont tell sarah i put them up here